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Make A Payment

Make a Payment

To make a payment online from this page use the links below.  You will need to know your specific account information.  It can be found at the bottom of your statement stub/coupon.   If you don’t have the information available, please LOG IN to the Community website for the account specific information required to make your payment.

  • Management Company ID – 7382

  • Association ID – a 3 digit number (can be found on the Community website under Association Information → Fees and Assessment Information)

  • Account Number – a 5 digit number (can be found on the Community website under My Account → Account Statement)

For online payment options such as E-CHECK or CREDIT CARD payments, please click HERE.

  • You’ll be able to set up an account with the bank for payments.

  • Submit your payments via CREDIT CARD. Fees apply.

  • Submit your payments electronically via E-CHECK or ACH direct debit. No Fees.

  • Reoccurring E-CHECK/ACH draft – You may set up an auto–draft through the Associations bank. No Fees.

    • Use the link above to log in and create an account. You must create an account to set up the auto-draft

    • You can select the date of the draft (please ensure it is at least 1 day before the late date for your association)

    • You will receive reminder emails prior to the draft.

One time payment options:

To make a ONE-TIME payment by E-CHECK, please click HERE.

To make a ONE-TIME payment by CREDIT CARD, please click HERE. Service fee applies and is charged at the time of payment.

Bill pay with your bank:

If you are using online bill pay through your bank, please do the following:

  • Stop/delete your existing payment and create a new payment with our new processing address below:
    Your Association Name
    c/o Novele Community Management
    PO Box 97555
    Las Vegas, NV 89193-7555

  • Ensure the check is made payable to your association and the memo portion includes the following information/instructions: Your Management Company ID - Association ID – Your Account Number (example: 7382 – 123 – 12345). This information is outlined on bottom of your statement stub/coupon or can be found on the Community website.

Checking Account:

  • Please include your payment stub/coupon with your check to ensure your payment is accurately processed

  • If you are paying for multiple properties, please send a separate coupon and check for each property

  • Please mail payments to the address below:
    Your Association Name
    c/o Novele Community Management
    PO Box 97555
    Las Vegas, NV 89193-7555

Please note:

  • NCM does not accept Cash. Please do not mail Cash to the office or the bank PoBox/lockbox.

  • Please do not send regular correspondence to the PoBox/lockbox. All regular correspondence should be sent via email or regular mail to the NCM office.