Make A Payment
Make a Payment
To make a payment online from this page use the links below. You will need to know your specific account information. It can be found at the bottom of your statement stub/coupon. If you don’t have the information available, please LOG IN to the Community website for the account specific information required to make your payment.
Management Company ID – 7382
Association ID – a 3 digit number (can be found on the Community website under Association Information → Fees and Assessment Information)
Account Number – a 5 digit number (can be found on the Community website under My Account → Account Statement)
For online payment options such as E-CHECK or CREDIT CARD payments, please click HERE.
You’ll be able to set up an account with the bank for payments.
Submit your payments via CREDIT CARD. Fees apply.
Submit your payments electronically via E-CHECK or ACH direct debit. No Fees.
Reoccurring E-CHECK/ACH draft – You may set up an auto–draft through the Associations bank. No Fees.
Use the link above to log in and create an account. You must create an account to set up the auto-draft
You can select the date of the draft (please ensure it is at least 1 day before the late date for your association)
You will receive reminder emails prior to the draft.
One time payment options:
To make a ONE-TIME payment by E-CHECK, please click HERE.
To make a ONE-TIME payment by CREDIT CARD, please click HERE. Service fee applies and is charged at the time of payment.
Bill pay with your bank:
If you are using online bill pay through your bank, please do the following:
Stop/delete your existing payment and create a new payment with our new processing address below:
Your Association Name
c/o Novele Community Management
PO Box 97555
Las Vegas, NV 89193-7555Ensure the check is made payable to your association and the memo portion includes the following information/instructions: Your Management Company ID - Association ID – Your Account Number (example: 7382 – 123 – 12345). This information is outlined on bottom of your statement stub/coupon or can be found on the Community website.
Checking Account:
Please include your payment stub/coupon with your check to ensure your payment is accurately processed
If you are paying for multiple properties, please send a separate coupon and check for each property
Please mail payments to the address below:
Your Association Name
c/o Novele Community Management
PO Box 97555
Las Vegas, NV 89193-7555
Please note:
NCM does not accept Cash. Please do not mail Cash to the office or the bank PoBox/lockbox.
Please do not send regular correspondence to the PoBox/lockbox. All regular correspondence should be sent via email or regular mail to the NCM office.